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Thursday, August 20, 2009
I'm in love with Edward Cullen...

i figured since i'm paying a lot for the wireless broadband and i have my baby, i should do more surfing and do more bloggin..


guess i'm back.....


so Ramadhan starts tmr.. technically.. besok malam dah boleh niat. lepas tu dah raya.. best.. and ya.. after that Sepang.. hehee

cant wait for a short holiday..

i noeeeeee

and raya cuz i need to do something bout my hair... i think i should start visiting salons to help me tame them..

hahahahaa.. can lah.. one month only.. before that go treatment.. hehehe

oh ya!!! i finally met up with the lovelies.. Dayana and Muz and Aisha.. i love them!!!!


kay want to sleep cuz tmr opening... and i want to be Bella..



my devilish rants;
11:02 PM

Monday, August 17, 2009
The show

i'm at the support center.. and in less than 12 hours time, i'll be back here to do the CU4B course..

whole day, do UAT Phase II... now waiting so that i can go eat my first meal of the day.. yay!

and while waiting i tot i write in since really got nothing to do...

and update my stuffs or something..

oh!!! i just had the most wonderful but funniest dream ever..

involving Bali, white/black tiger (really), a tiger (normal), a hotel suite with transparent doors, harrasment, a ferris wheel, the stars and some cute guy who happened to fufill my needs.. for now.. hahahhahahaa

how amazing and i still smile like an idiot when i think bout it back..

ohhh!!! i've been watching a lot of movies lately.. Hangover, GI Joe and Up.. and i've never cried so much while watching a movie..

thanks You for watching it again for the 2nd time...

and i'm still waiting..

think i should go home.. and the room smells of ......


my devilish rants;
8:39 PM

I was doing closing today and I didnt see my Abg Nicky finishing 6th at Brno

i noe...

thanks Hajar and Huda for the reminders...

and since i cant sleep even though i have to be awake at 7 as i got training at hq at 10, i shall update watever's left of me..

so, i'm still the store manager of V2..

and i do ask myself the same question everyday when i walk out of that door... which i cant reveal now..

and how far will this go...

will i wake up one day and someone will tell me that everything is ok?

or will i just go as far as listening to Everclear telling me that everything will be wonderful now?

or just hold those tears to the brink and keep them there and hopefully they wont fall off?

or just be me?

i can still smile with all those tears in my eyes and telling myself that everything will be wonderful now..

sure sure

i'm so PL...

my devilish rants;
2:46 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'll find a way to you if it kills me

itz been a whole year and i tot it wld healed completely..

but i was wrong..

it is still healing and i dun noe how to ensure that the stitches stay in place...


and i hate the fact that i'm telling them itz okay when itz really not okay..

we all should get an Oscar cuz we are really putting on a great show..

i am a good actress but i'm not a ringleader

it mite kill me

and i hate you

my devilish rants;
2:04 AM

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Itz a hard-knocked life for us


dead again said one of my beloved partner


oh well

since i'm on my break and i do have lots of things to do even though itz 1255am in the morning, i tot i just gave a low-down on things first..

hmmmm, things happened.. (duh!) but i need to embrace the changes.. even though itz a lot but life still moves on, the Earth is still spinning and the Sun will still be there when i wake up in the morning and the Moon will always be there...

hahahahah babbling

so i started my AL but staying at home and the family started asking why i took the day off... then again who could blame them.. then left for the island with strangers and i spent the entire holiday snuggled in the blanket and slept most of the time after an hour of spa (one of the most perfect holiday ever!!!!! blissssssssss! thanks Harris!!!!)

then now back in Singapore with more unexpected news and all and everything is all changing.. received the call from "the boss" and he shared with me the news... haiz.. risau ke..

then again, since i'm on my AL so i shall figure all things out slowly when i returned to store on Tuesday.. (i need to switch off.. just give me this time to do so kay...)

neway got to go and unpack and then pack back my things so i can go off yet again for another adventure (ya rite!) to KL..


i wish it was Spain so i can see my Abg Nicky at Valencia.. race this weekend!!!!

Go Ducatis!!!

(just wishing.. his bike is so, so horrible!!)

oh ya.. check out True Blood if you are above 21.. hahahahahaha

another vamp series.. but only if you are above 21...


my devilish rants;
12:25 AM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Why couldnt you just see it thru me?

how come someone so smart can do something so stupid?

why does everything in my life needs to be part of an adventure?

why do people like to assume things when they dun even see the real picture?

why do miserable people make others who are already miserable more miserable?

why am i angry at you?

why do i have some questions left unanswered?


i need to stop thinking though but these questions need to be answer. if not i'll just keep wondering and pondering and wondering..

and i noe itz all wrong but i didnt noe bout the whole thing at first. if i had known i wld not have done it at all. i wld have stop myself.. but you didnt show me anything and carried on like things were normal. i dun want to be seen as the bitch or the destroyer of the city.. if you really treasure watever things you have, like wat you've told someone, then please, please treasure it..

i've been in the situation before and it wont hurt as much as before..

i've given away pieces of my heart a lot of times and i dun noe how many more i can give away till i have none left..

but at least i noe..

itz not supposed to hurt this way
i need you i need you
tell me why

my devilish rants;
5:27 PM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Do you know the enemy?

have you ever been in a position whereby you noe you are doin something wrong but you just cant stop doin it?

or you are supposed to be sleeping but you sleepily checking out other's facebook?

now that i think bout it, i think i should hide from the world...

and ask myself wat the hell was i thinking?

wat was i thinking?

i need to know my enemy..

oh well oh well

silence is..

my devilish rants;
10:49 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009
Resurraction.. (in a way..)

yea, Hajar told me my blog is dead..

so decide to write something to make is alive


so, a lot of things to update..

last i updated was the 2nd KL trip.. hmmmm

then in March, i went to Bali..

uber amazing and uber gorgeous!!

really, really love to go back there..

then, supposedly, after that trip, i was to go to Yunan for the coffee trip, in April, but it was cancelled as they say that itz not in season. so coffee trip postponed to November (as if... peak period you noe..)

that aside in May.. was supposed to go to Phuket!!!!!

but thanks to the chaos, mummy dun really allow it to happen.. hahahahahahaha

so another trip on-hold...

but the girls planned a trip to Perth in July.. hahahahaa

ya ya.. i caught the travel bug..

hmmmm and i'm not killing it.. yet


June, hopefully after all those cancelled trips, i'll be making my way towards Tioman..


shit.. forgetting work.. hahaahahaa received my store snapshot.. one of the worst in my entire career as a barista..

haiz... risau ke

and i hate SB-XX now.. thanks to a certain XX, i wont want to go there to show any support unless so-and-so asks for help..

hai.. bitchy.. but i'm bitchier (if there's such word)

but they are lucky that they are near another store cuz i love the other store to the max.. hahahahaahahah a bit bias but i still love the partners...

and of cuz, my partners.. even though it was a rough boat ride, i'm still glad we managed to sail thru easily.. without them, there's no vee-two...

and of cuz all the attachment partners that helped me along the way and my managers..

hai.. but still wish for more.. for my dream store..

a girl can only wish...

and i shall blog more.. cuz this is where i can release my secrets... just read between the lines and you noe wat i'm talking about..

haiz.. risau ke


my devilish rants;
4:03 AM

My LuvLy KaK SuZee; IdA CaRLiTa; DaYaH; SiRaJ; LiN MarLeNe; AnI; SonG; FaRaH; HaNiM; HerMaN; SaNy DarLiN; SaRiMa; NaDiRa; AzzaRe; AliA M; EddY; FeeRoZ; AiZaT; SimmY; NaNa; LiYaNA; EeZaD; VeN; FyDa; AiShaH; ToMMy; SoP; AiZaN; ZaiD; SeReNe; AdE; SuFFiaN; AbU; LiZ; BloGGeR; designer; unlimitedd